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Skater Cat
Skater Cat

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In the heart of the city, where the neon lights gleam,
Roamed a feline sensation, living a skater’s dream.
Skater Cat they called him, with a swagger so bold,
Balance and agility, worth more than gold.

On two paws, he’d glide through the streets,
With moves so smooth, they were hard to beat.
From alley to alley, he’d twist and he’d spin,
A true showman, always competing to win.

No gravity could hold him, no obstacle too high,
Skate Cat would conquer, reaching for the sky.
Bustin’ impossible kickflips & grabs mid-air,
He’d dazzle the crowd, without a single care.

Twisting and turnt, he’d dance on the board,
A spectacle to behold, the streets his reward.
Skater Cat, a legend, in the urban scene,
A feline marvel, like you’ve never seen.

So if you wander, through the city’s embrace,
Keep an eye out for Skate Cat’s style and grace.
Tricks on display show how to seize night & day.


Story 90.21% Rhymed by Ai from Short Text Prompt