King OG Remastered

King OG

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1 Minted; Listed Auction Starting @ 100 WETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   High above the celestial realms, where the fabric of space and time intertwines across galaxies and dimensions, there ruled a majestic being known as King OG. His full title, a lengthy wording for grand master of intergalactic, multiversal, and multidimensional authority, was …

King OG

King OG

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1 Minted; Listed Auction Starting @ 100 WETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   High above the celestial realms, where the fabric of space and time intertwines across galaxies and dimensions, there ruled a majestic being known as King OG. His full title, a lengthy wording for grand master of intergalactic, multiversal, and multidimensional authority, was …

King OG

King OG

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1 Minted; Listed Auction Starting @ 100 WETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   High above the celestial realms, where the fabric of space and time intertwines across galaxies and dimensions, there ruled a majestic being known as King OG. His full title, a lengthy wording for grand master of intergalactic, multiversal, and multidimensional authority, was …

Fashion Lion 1(a)

Fashion Lion 1

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1 Minted; Unlisted; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the kaleidoscopic tapestry of the multiverse, there existed a figure known far and wide as Fashion Lion—a creature whose impeccable taste and innate sense of style transcended the boundaries of dimensions. Draped in the finest fabrics and adorned with accessories that echoed sophistication, Fashion …

Crypto Lion 1

Crypto Lion 1

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100 Minted; 10 Listed @ 1 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea      In the heart of the digital jungle, where blockchain vines intertwined with cryptographic ferns, lived a majestic creature known as Crypto Lion. This extraordinary being was no ordinary denizen of the wild; he was the guardian of the decentralized realm, a noble and …

Paris Street Lion, Rainy Day

Paris Street Lion, Rainy Day

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1 Minted; 1 Listed @ 4 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the center of Paris, where the Eiffel Tower stood tall and the Seine River flowed gracefully, there was a street lion who brought a touch of wild elegance to the city’s charming streets. On a rainy day, when the cobblestone pathways glistened …

Street Art Lion 1

Street Art Lion 1

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7 Minted; 1 Listed @ .999 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   Within the exclusive enclave of Classy Savage, where sophistication met untamed elegance, the walls told a story as black and white as the creatures that inhabited the realm.  Among the members, there existed a ravenous beast named Retty Nahz, whose artistic flair transformed …

Gift To The Multiverse

Gift To The Multiverse

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999 Minted; 100 Listed @ .001 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the vast expanse of the multiverse, where dimensions intertwined like threads of cosmic silk, the creator decided to bestow a gift upon the timeline of existence—Classy Savage. The inhabitants of this realm, though cloaked in sophistication and ferocity, held a profound purpose …