King Jaws

King Jaws

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King Jaws 0 Minted; 0 Listed; ETH TBD Buy Classy Savage NFTs @ In the depths of the oceanic realms, where the currents flowed with ancient power and aquatic energy, King Jaws reigned supreme. He was the greatest and most lethal of the great white sharks, a true sovereign among all Chondrichthyes. His presence …

Glitch Drip Lion


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0 Minted; 0 Listed; ETH TBD Buy Classy Savage NFTs @ GDLion, a painting so fine, Colors & pixels in interwine. On the screen, chaos meets grace, A analog roar in an digital space. Mane drips with hues, vivid & wild, Artist’s masterpiece, uniquely styled. Frozen in time, yet alive with a flare, Like …

My Shooter 21(a)

My Shooter 21(a)

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1 Minted; 1 Llisted; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the shadows he waits, My Shooter so keen, Lethal and silent, a sniper unseen. A fighter, a bodyguard, disciplined and true, A warrior with skills, through and through. Sanctioned by law, a savage yet just, A killer with purpose, in whom we trust. …

Queen OG Remastered

Queen OG

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the vast expanse of the multiverse, where the celestial dance of stars intertwined with the whispers of cosmic destinies, existed a love story that transcended the boundaries of time and space. At its heart were two beings whose humble beginnings who would take …

King OG

King OG

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1 Minted; Listed Auction Starting @ 100 WETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   High above the celestial realms, where the fabric of space and time intertwines across galaxies and dimensions, there ruled a majestic being known as King OG. His full title, a lengthy wording for grand master of intergalactic, multiversal, and multidimensional authority, was …

The Conqueror

The Conqueror

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1 Minted; 1 Listed @ 100 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   King OG, also known as “The Conqueror,” stood at the edge of the Alps, a towering figure on a white horseback, his Vibranium sword gleaming with a rare brilliance. The winds carried whispers of his impending conquest, and the world trembled in anticipation. …

Multiversal Lion

Multiversal Lion

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420 Minted; 215 Listed @ .215 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the cosmic tapestry of parallel universes, where dimensions folded like origami, there existed a majestic being known as Multiversal Lion. This extraordinary creature traversed the boundaries of reality with a magnificent mane that shimmered with the hues of alternate timelines. Each strand …

My Shooter 2(a)

My Shooter

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea My Shooter got a new toy so grand, a machine gun to defend the land. With infinite digital ammo, he’s a multiversal Rambo. Cats with 9 lives understand! Beware, for not all dogs ascend, to the heavens that cats attend. With his auto-extendo in hand, …