My Shooter 21(a)

My Shooter 21(a)

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1 Minted; 1 Llisted; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the shadows he waits, My Shooter so keen, Lethal and silent, a sniper unseen. A fighter, a bodyguard, disciplined and true, A warrior with skills, through and through. Sanctioned by law, a savage yet just, A killer with purpose, in whom we trust. …

My Shooter 2(a)

My Shooter

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea My Shooter got a new toy so grand, a machine gun to defend the land. With infinite digital ammo, he’s a multiversal Rambo. Cats with 9 lives understand! Beware, for not all dogs ascend, to the heavens that cats attend. With his auto-extendo in hand, …

My Shooter

My Shooter

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1 Minted; 1 Llisted; Considering Offers Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the shadows he waits, My Shooter so keen, Lethal and silent, a sniper unseen. A fighter, a bodyguard, disciplined and true, A warrior with skills, through and through. Sanctioned by law, a savage yet just, A killer with purpose, in whom we trust. …