The Conqueror

The Conqueror

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1 Minted; 1 Listed @ 100 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   King OG, also known as “The Conqueror,” stood at the edge of the Alps, a towering figure on a white horseback, his Vibranium sword gleaming with a rare brilliance. The winds carried whispers of his impending conquest, and the world trembled in anticipation. …

Gazer Leomy

Gazer Leomy

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Dropping or Minting Soon; TBD ETH >> Buy NFTs @ OpenSea << Gazer Leomy, cousin to the renowned Astron Leomy, found himself on a unique adventure as he journeyed from his earthly abode to the vibrant city of Los Angeles. His destination? The iconic Griffith Park, home to the renowned Griffith Observatory, where he aimed …