Artifact Reximus

Reximus Artifact

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Artifact: Reximus 1 of 4 Unique Artifacts 0 Minted; 0 Listed 0; ETH TBD Classy Savage Sculpture Reximus; A Multiversal Icon Comprised of Rare Gems & Precious Metals Crossed with alpha AI & some dabs of OG Buy Classy Savage NFTs @

Artifact Gorilla

Gorilla Artifact

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Artifact Kong King 1 of 4 Unique Artifacts 0 Minted; 0 Listed 0; ETH TBD Classy Savage Sculpture Kong King; A Multiversal Icon Comprised of Rare Gems & Precious Metals Crossed with alpha AI & some dabs of OG Buy Classy Savage NFTs @

Artifact PB

PB Artifact

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Artifact: PB 1 of 4 Unique Artifacts 0 Minted; 0 Listed 0; ETH TBD Classy Savage Sculpture Polar Barry; A Multiversal Icon Comprised of Rare Gems & Precious Metals Crossed with alpha AI & some dabs of OG Buy Classy Savage NFTs @

Gem Panther

Gem Panther

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; ETH TBD Buy Classy Savage NFTs @   From the Artifacts Collection Medium: Sculpture; Priceless Objects; Miniatures of Infamous Members Material: Gemstones & Precious Metals

Honest Leo

Honest Leo

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; ETH TBD Buy Classy Savage NFTs @   In the historical records of the Classy Savage archives, there exists a leader whose legacy is etched in stone—Honest Leo. As one of the most popular presidents of Classy Savage, he was revered not only for his noble bearing but also for …

White Lion Black Wall


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0 Minted; 0 Listed; ETH TBD Buy Classy Savage NFTs @   White Lion King perched on a black wall, Majestic and grand, he does not fall. In stark contrast, his aura gleams bright, A regal beacon in the dark of night. Teeth so sharp, they pierce the gloom, In his silent watch, strength …

Reximus Relic

Reximus Relic

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Dropping Sum Gems Soon Stay Tuned :: Artifacts @ Classy Savage NFTs @

3D Printing

3D Printed Art

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3D Printed Art; Sculpture, Jewelry, etc., Other Merchandise & SWAG Coming Soon…. After NFTs Generate Enough $$$$$$ for Proper Production   Purchase NFTs @