Artifact Reximus

Reximus Artifact

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Artifact: Reximus 1 of 4 Unique Artifacts 0 Minted; 0 Listed 0; ETH TBD Classy Savage Sculpture Reximus; A Multiversal Icon Comprised of Rare Gems & Precious Metals Crossed with alpha AI & some dabs of OG Buy Classy Savage NFTs @

ETH King

ETH King

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; TBD ETH; Offers Welcome Buy Classy Savage NFTs @   In the bustling, lit multidimensional crypto market, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, there is one figure who rides above the rest—Ethereum King, known far and wide as ETH King. Clad in a sleek …

ETH King

ETH King

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0 Minted; 0 Listed; TBD ETH; Offers Welcome Buy Classy Savage NFTs @   In the bustling, lit multidimensional crypto market, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, there is one figure who rides above the rest—Ethereum King, known far and wide as ETH King. Clad in a sleek …

Reximus Relic

Reximus Relic

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Dropping Sum Gems Soon Stay Tuned :: Artifacts @ Classy Savage NFTs @

Guernica Orge

Guernica Orge

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10 Minted; 1 Listed @ 1 ETH Purchase NFT @ OpenSea   In the moonlit hours of an otherworldly night, the members of Classy Savage embarked on a journey to the historic town of Guernica, Spain. This wasn’t an ordinary escapade; it was a night destined to be etched in the pussy-cats of their exclusive …